Tuesday, 9 July 2013


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. As many of us have discovered, the Bill of Rights may as well not exist. There is no agency or authority to investigate and enforce it, and no readily accessible and affordable legal process to pursue it with. Ditto the other fairytale often bandied about called Natural Justice. It doesn't exist as it cannot be pursued.

  3. at this late date, (i have been waiting to have my Internet reconnected) I feel your comment does point to an issue of what definition to settle on, on "Private Communications". Who should have access and why, what ought be the rules of engaging private communications? I believe what you said that only in cases of criminality and national security threats should there be genuine surveillance and that law ought to make that very very clear, what boundaries NOT to cross.

    The other issue I have is the DPMC haven't too much say or control on Intel agencies. I am in favour of a completely independent agency with independent verifiers in place. We cannot have a PM office who is elected by political party votes to rule that roost. There would end up a perception that the sitting PM of any day is manipulating for party gains.
